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Mental Health Services Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 25 June 2014

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Questions (181)

Bernard Durkan


181. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Health the extent to which the budget in respect of mental health services in the current year is deemed adequate to meet requirements; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [27518/14]

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The Government is committed to the continued reform of the mental health services, notwithstanding the substantial overall reduction in resources available to the health service in recent years. The estimated provision for mental health in 2014 is €766 million. This figure includes the additional funding of €90 million that has been provided since 2012 for a range of new posts and other specific initiatives relating to mental health and suicide prevention. Areas being funded for development this year include specialised secondary care services for children and adolescents, adults, older persons, those with an intellectual disability and a mental illness, and forensic services. These service initiatives are in line with A Vision for Change.

In addition, about one in four people experience mental health problems in their lifetime, many of whom will be dealt with in primary care. It is estimated that approximately 90% of mental health problems are dealt with in primary care, and that some 30% of people who attend primary care have a mental health problem. Expenditure on these services is not captured in the health budget detailed above.
