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Guardians Ad Litem

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 1 July 2014

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Questions (633)

Thomas P. Broughan


633. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs further to Parliamentary Question No. 600 of 4 February 2014, the costs of guardians ad litem in 2013; the costs of guardians ad litem to date in 2014. [28051/14]

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In 2013 the final cost of guardian ad litem services (GALs), which were paid by the HSE, was as follows

GAL legal fees € 4,859,064

GAL Direct payments € 7,178,045

Full GAL costs €12,037,109

In 2014 the cost of GAL services paid to date by Tusla* (the Child and Family Agency) are as follows:-

GAL legal fees € 3,145,572

GAL Direct payments € 2,473,137

Full GAL costs YTD € 5,618,709

*Responsibility for GAL services transferred to Tusla on 1 January, 2014
