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Consultancy Contracts Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 3 July 2014

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Questions (96)

Barry Cowen


96. Deputy Barry Cowen asked the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation if he will provide in tabular form per annum all external consultant reports commissioned by his Department since March 2011; the costs per report; the company involved; the title of the report and the publication date. [28847/14]

View answer

Written answers

The names of external consultant reports commissioned by my Department since March 2011; the costs per report; the name of the external consultant; the title of the report and the publication date are as follows:-

January to end June 2014

Name of external


Report Title

Cost of Report

Publication Date

Ward Solutions

ICT security reviews


Internal ICT security assessments – not for publication

January to December 2013

Name of external


Report Title

Cost of Report

Publication Date

First Choice Financial Services Ltd and AJS Financial Advice Ltd

Credit Guarantee Scheme “Findings and Recommendations”


To be published shortly

Janet Hughes

Labour Court Review of Joint Labour Committees


1 October 2013

Tom Martin and Associates /TMA

Youth Unemployment

A review of wage costs and other factors which may affect the employment of young people in Ireland.


Presented to the Troika in line with the terms of the Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policy which is a component of the Memorandum of Understanding, September 2013, as part of which the Irish Government undertook to present a report in December 2013.

RSM McClure Watters

The evaluation of the Workplace Relations Pilot Early Resolution Service


27 September 2013

Ward Solutions

ICT security reviews


Internal ICT security assessments – not for publication

Copenhagen Economics

Study to Examine the Economic and Other Impactson Ireland of a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and Related Potential


200,000 (excl. VAT and other costs)

To be decided following consideration of the finalised report and its submission to Government, when the report is finalised.

HM Ventures

Innovative pathways to jobs and growth – Entrepreneurship, Access to Finance and Internationalisation of SMEs


May 2013

January to December 2012

Name of external


Report Title

Cost of Report

Publication Date

Ward Solutions

Security reviews of ICT systems


Internal ICT security assessments – not for publication

Version 1

ICT systems review – Patents Office Ptolemy System


Internal technology review – not for publication

Fitzpatrick Associates

Comparison of Export Licensing Procedures with selected EU Member States


Under consideration

Achilles Procurement Services Ltd.

Recommended Procurement Strategy for a Customer Relationship Management System (CRMS)


July 2012


Feasibility Study: Making Ireland an International Centre for Intellectual Property



March to December 2011

Name of external


Report Title

Cost of Report

Publication Date

Capital for Enterprise Ltd.

Design of Temporary Partial Credit Guarantee Scheme


Internal Report - not for



Dr. Frank Walsh

Review of ERO and REA Wage Setting Mechanisms


May 2011


ICT Security


Internal ICT security assessment – not for publication

Maxima Ireland

Computer Server Virtualisation Strategy Review


Internal technology review – not for publication

For information I attach below a similar question answered previously that provides information on work undertaken by consultants for the period 2008 – 2010
To ask the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation the total amount of expenditure on consultancy by his Department in 2008, 2009 and 2010 the numbers of consultants engaged by his Department in those years; the names of the consultancy companies awarded contracts; and the steps which have been taken to reduce the expenditure on consultancy and the reliance on consultants by his Department in these years and for the future.
- Joanna Tuffy.
* For WRITTEN answer on Tuesday, 22nd May, 2012. Ref No: 25549/12
R E P L YDetails of the information on consultancies requested by the Deputy for the period from 2008 to 2010 are set out in the tables below. My Department has, in line with Government policy, taken measures to reduce the level of expenditure on external consultancies. The number of consultancies undertaken has been significantly reduced and are undertaken on the basis of necessity and in instances where it is not possible to conduct the work in-house having regard to the nature of the work and the skills required.
Ref No: 25549/12