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Departmental Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 July 2014

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Questions (264)

John McGuinness


264. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Education and Skills the amount of funding allocated to an organisation (details supplied) in County Cork for each year since the commencement of the project; if his Department obtains a comprehensive financial report each year from the organisation; if the assets are listed in the name of his Department or the orgainsation; if the funding granted by her Department is allocated thereafter on the basis of set guidelines; if his Department is satisfied that these guidelines are being observed; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29543/14]

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The funding provided by my Department to Right of Place from 2001 to 2013, when my Department ceased funding survivor groups, is as follows:

2001 - €269,971.71

2002 - €149,423

2003 - €135,381

2004 - €124,783

2005 - €127,904

2006 - €52,690

2007 - €89,280

2008 - €87,998

2009 - €75,944.76

2010 - €44,616.54

2011 - €22,115.95

2012 - €18,795.81

2013 - €12,333.58

Total €1,211,237.35

This funding, which was channelled through City of Cork VEC, includes the cost of a co-ordinator engaged by the VEC on behalf of my Department, who monitored the expenditure of these funds. Expenditure receipts were provided to the co-ordinator along with the annual accounts of the organisation and details of the receipts and copies of the annual accounts were provided to the Department. This organisation receives the majority of its funding from the Health Service Executive and as advocated by the Comptroller and Auditor General in his Special Report No 74, my Department liaised with the HSE to ensure a co-ordinated approach to its funding and that no duplication of funding arose. My Department's funding was solely for the provision of an information and referral service to survivors following an assessment of activities. It had no function in the operation of the Right of Place Building Project Limited or any other property/accommodation services managed by the organisation.
