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Leader Programmes Applications

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 July 2014

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Questions (521)

Michelle Mulherin


521. Deputy Michelle Mulherin asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the position regarding an application to Mayo North East Leader by (details supplied); when it is expected that a decision will be made and if it will be expedited due to the delay in the planned completion date and uncertainty that is being caused to the local community and the contractor; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29447/14]

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In line with the 'bottom-up' approach to rural development under the Leader elements of the Rural Development Programme 2007-2013, the Local Action Groups (LAGs) are the principal decision-makers in relation to the allocation of project funding. Such decisions are made in the context of the local development strategy of the individual groups and in line with the Programme's Operating Rules and EU regulations. The LAG for the area referred to in the question is Mayo North East Leader Partnership (MNELP).

This project file was submitted to my Department for a review which has been completed and the review findings have been returned to Mayo North East Leader Partnership for follow-up.
