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Services for People with Disabilities

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 July 2014

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Questions (813)

Terence Flanagan


813. Deputy Terence Flanagan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the position regarding legislation in relation to disabled drivers' parking cards (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29382/14]

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The disabled parking card is issued on behalf of my Department by the Disabled Drivers Association of Ireland and the Irish Wheelchair Association.  The parking card is issued in accordance with regulations, and terms and conditions are agreed between my Department and the two issuing bodies. 

In 2010, my Department conducted a comprehensive review of the disabled parking scheme, which led to a number of changes.  Among the issues considered in the review was eligibility for the permit.  Previously, the position was that diagnosis with certain conditions led to automatic grant of a permit.  Following extensive consultation as part of the review, it was agreed that the conditions for eligibility would be revised to focus specifically on the level of mobility involved rather than on a given condition which might or might not involve mobility impairment.  I subsequently amended the regulations to give effect to this.

The original purpose of the scheme was to provide for people with mobility impairments.  For this reason, disabled parking bays are wider than standard parking bays, and are generally located in optimal positions, for example next to shops.  There was a widespread view at the time of the review that many people with mobility impairments were unable to find parking, and that a significant reason was the issue of permits to people who did not suffer from actual mobility impairments.

While I sympathise with the individual in the case mentioned by the Deputy, and other similar cases which have come to my attention, there are no plans to reverse the earlier decision, which was taken in light of the original purpose of the disabled parking scheme.
