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Television Licence Fee Payments

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 9 July 2014

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Questions (298, 299)

Stephen Donnelly


298. Deputy Stephen S. Donnelly asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources further to the publication of the RTE annual report 2013, where it is revealed that his Department collected €219 million in licence fees from An Post and the Department of Social Protection in 2013, and that €182 million of this was passed to RTE, the rationale for any increase or decrease in the payment; if he will reveal the organisations that lost out from his decision and the discussions that took place between his Department and RTE on the matter. [29979/14]

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Stephen Donnelly


299. Deputy Stephen S. Donnelly asked the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources further to the publication of the RTE annual report 2013, where it is revealed that his Department collected €219 million in licence fees from An Post and the Department of Social Protection in 2013, and that €182 million of this was passed to RTE, the factors that determine the amount of licence fee collected that is paid annually to RTE; if he will provide in tabular form, the amounts for the years from 2009 to 2013; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [29980/14]

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I propose to take Questions Nos. 298 and 299 together.

The licence fee is distributed in accordance with Section 123 of the Broadcasting Act 2009, to both RTÉ and TG4 in order to facilitate the pursuit of their public service objectives which are also set out in the 2009 Act.

An Post pays the Department all TV licence revenues collected from sales and the Department of Social Protection currently pays a sum of €52m in respect of free TV licences issued. From these gross receipts, the Department deducts commission payable to An Post for their agency role and TG4 currently receives €9.245m.In addition, 7% of the revenue goes towards the Broadcasting Funding Scheme, Sound & Vision II, which is operated by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. The scheme was established to provide funding in support of high quality programmes on Irish culture, heritage and experience, and programmes to improve adult literacy. Revenue from this fund can be applied for by independent producers and broadcasters for specific projects of a public service nature.

The remaining revenues are paid to RTÉ.


TV Licence Fee Net Proceeds €000

RTÉ €000
















Question No. 300 answered with Question No. 296.