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Ministerial Appointments

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 9 July 2014

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Questions (33)

Mary Lou McDonald


33. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if he will report on the implementation of the special adviser pay cap; and if he will report on the implementation of, and extent of compliance with, the guidelines on staffing of ministerial offices. [29612/14]

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Instructions and Guidelines for Ministerial Appointments were revised and issued in March 2011 following decisions by the Government on a number of cost saving measures relating to the personal appointees of Ministers and Ministers of State. The guidelines specify that all appointments of ministerial staff, including the pay and terms and conditions of employment, require the prior sanction of my Department. Appointments from outside of the Civil Service also require the sanction of the Taoiseach. The guidelines provide that separate arrangements may apply to the staffing requirements of the Offices of the Taoiseach and the Tánaiste.

Special advisers have been employed by Ministers of successive Governments and perform an essential function in providing expert advice, expertise and insights on the key strategic issues facing Ministers on a daily basis. The appointment of special advisers requires the approval of Government in accordance with section 11 of the Public Service Management Act 1997. A Minister, or a Minister of State who regularly attends Cabinet, may appoint up to two special advisers. The legislation provides that there is no limit on the number of special advisers for the Taoiseach and Tánaiste.

The guidelines provide that special advisers are to be placed on the Principal Officer (Standard) scale, which currently runs from €75,647 at the minimum to €87,258 at the maximum. Appointments are to be on the first point on the scale except where approval is given to a higher starting salary. In cases where a special adviser's basic pay prior to the appointment was greater than the minimum, it is open to Ministers to seek sanction from my Department to appoint the person at a higher starting salary. The Government recognised there would be occasions when a higher salary was required in order to secure the appointment of an adviser with particular skills and expertise. On this basis, the guidelines provide for specific individual exceptions in circumstances that are deemed appropriate.
