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Departmental Staff Training

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 9 July 2014

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Questions (37)

Mary Lou McDonald


37. Deputy Mary Lou McDonald asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade if he will provide in tabular form a breakdown of all third level courses, training programmes and courses, and accompanying costs provided for employees of his Department for the 2013-2014 academic year, from 1 September 2013 to the end of June 2014. [30097/14]

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The information requested by the Deputy is provided in the following table.

Expenditure on Third Level Courses and Training Programmes Sept 2013 to June 2014


Cost €

Third Level (Refund of Fees Scheme)


Language Tuition


Other Courses & Programmes




Refunds of fees arise in cases where staff of the Department undertake qualifying third-level courses in their own time and receive financial assistance under a scheme sanctioned by the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade strongly encourages and supports its staff in this regard, particularly where courses are directly relevant to the work of the Department.

Given the nature of diplomatic service, my Department also makes a significant investment in language tuition. Other courses and training programmes regularly delivered include a comprehensive training programme for those members of my Department taking up foreign postings, with modules on trade promotion, economic themes, provision of consular services, personal safety, public diplomacy and human rights. Training is also routinely provided for staff in key areas such as management development, performance management, leadership, positive working environment, macroeconomics, communication skills, social media and customer service. In-house expertise is used wherever possible.
