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Departmental Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 26 November 2014

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Questions (147)

Ciaran Lynch


147. Deputy Ciarán Lynch asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if he will address the concerns raised by the deaf advocacy service (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [45448/14]

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The funding scheme to support national organisations in the community and voluntary sector aims to provide multi-annual funding to national organisations towards core costs associated with the provision of services. My Department is providing funding under the scheme of in excess of €8 million over the two year period to mid–2016. This represents an increase in funding of more than 10% per annum compared to the previous scheme.

A new scheme was advertised for applications early this year. The Irish Deaf Society was not approved for funding on this occasion.

Pobal was asked to undertake the appraisal and management of the scheme and, in that context, put in place a dedicated team to deal with any inquiries from applicants and to provide detailed feedback. Furthermore, there was an appeals process put in place and Pobal recently submitted an appeals report to me. I am currently considering the contents of this report.

I announced, on 18 July 2014, the allocation of bridging funding of €1.4million to a number of previously funded health, disability and other organisations for a twelve month period, pending the carrying out of a review of the public funding of national organisations in the health and disability sector. The Irish Deaf Society is in receipt of funding from 1 July 2014 until 30 June 2015 under the bridging funding arrangements.

This bridging funding in 2014/2015 is a once-off transitional arrangement and will enable organisations to plan for their future, whether with or without State support, such as that provided under the Scheme to Support National Organisations.

My Department has commenced a process of engagement with the Department of Health in order to advance the review, which is being undertaken in agreement with my colleague, the Minister of State at the Department of Health with Special Responsibility for Primary Care, Mental Health and Disability. The Health Service Executive and Pobal are also participating in this review. I intend to complete and publish the outcome of the review in due course.
