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Stocking Densities

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 2 December 2014

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Questions (281)

Éamon Ó Cuív


281. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine if the requirement to have a minimum stocking density on marginal land for the basic payment and the greening payment is in compliance with World Trade Organisation rules; if he has consulted with the EU Commission on this issue; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46214/14]

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Work is ongoing in relation to the implementation of the various measures under the CAP Regime based on the significant reforms adopted during the Irish Presidency in June 2013. These measures include schemes which are extremely important to Irish farmers, in particular, the Basic Payment Scheme, the Greening Payment, the Areas of Natural Constraints Scheme and GLAS. As over €1.5 billion will be paid to farmers on an annual basis under the Schemes, I want to ensure that the implementing provisions put in place provide that farmers can receive their payments on a timely basis and that the objectives of the various measures can be achieved. In that regard, my Department continue to have ongoing detailed discussions with the EU Commission with a view to establishing how best to achieve these aims while at the same time meeting the requirements of the EU Regulations.

The following information was provided under Standing Order 40A

Discussions are ongoing with the EU Commission on the detailed requirements for the implementation in Ireland of the Basic Payment Scheme, the Greening payment, the Areas of Natural Constraints Scheme (ANC) and GLAS.

In relation to the Basic Payment Scheme, the requirement is that each agricultural parcel declared by an applicant under this Scheme must have a farming activity on it to be eligible for payment. Such an activity, which must be appropriate to the type of land involved, includes grazing the land. In the case of land farmed in common, there must be a farming activity on the parcel, but individual claimants are not obliged to carry out the farming activity provided that some of the claimants on the commonage are doing so.

The discussions with the EU Commission in relation to the ANC Scheme and GLAS, which form part of the 2014 to 2020 Rural Development Programme, are still ongoing. However, following the answer to this PQ, my Department has since been informed by the Commission that the imposition of a mandatory stock density under Pillar I would not be in compliance with WTO rules.
