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Agri-Environment Options Scheme Appeals

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 24 February 2015

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Questions (278)

John O'Mahony


278. Deputy John O'Mahony asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will receive a decision on an appeal in respect of the agri-environment options scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [7681/15]

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An application under the 2013 Single Payment/Disadvantaged Areas Scheme was received from the person named on 14 May 2013 and a payment of €1,169.16 was issued on 20/09/2013 under the Disadvantaged Areas Scheme. No payment was due under the Single Farm Payment Scheme as the person named does not have any entitlements. A review of the land parcels declared by the person named under the 2013 Single Payment Scheme revealed that a number of the land parcels declared contained ineligible features and the person named was notified accordingly. This resulted in a reduction of between 3% and 20% to the area payable for the 2013 land-based schemes of the person named . An overpayment of €354.20 under the 2013 Disadvantaged Areas Scheme was created on 28/11/2014.

Following the review of my Department’s decision, sought by the person named, a visit by a Department official to verify the position on the ground was necessary. This check confirmed the 2013 area over-declaration as 48.71 % in the case of the Disadvantaged Area Scheme which meant the verification visit determined that the position on the ground was worse than the initial determination. As 48.71 % is greater than 20% of the established eligible area in respect of land based schemes no payment is due to the person named under the 2013 Disadvantaged Area Scheme. The person named had received payment under the 2013 Disadvantaged Area Scheme, which is deemed overpaid and will be netted-off future payments made by my Department.

A letter detailing the outcome of the verification check was issued to the person named on the 19/07/2014. In the event that the person named was dissatisfied with the outcome of the verification check the decision could be appealed to the independent LPIS Appeals Committee, within 3 months of the notification letter.

By letter dated 17/09/2014, the person named opted to avail of his right to appeal to the independently-chaired LPIS Appeal Committee; the LPIS Appeals Committee have considered same and a decision will issue shortly .

The person named was approved for participation in the 2010 Agri-Environment Options Scheme (AEOS 1) with effect from 1 September 2010 and full entitlements have issued in respect of the 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 Scheme years. The 2014 payment may be adjusted pending the outcome of the LPIS review issue.
