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School Curriculum

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 3 March 2015

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Questions (500)

Patrick O'Donovan


500. Deputy Patrick O'Donovan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the way a person (details supplied) in County Wexford may apply for an exemption from Irish in secondary school. [9154/15]

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In primary and post-primary schools recognised by my Department the study of Irish is compulsory however, there are certain limited circumstances whereby an exemption from the study of Irish may be granted. In this regard my Department's Circular M10/94 for pupils attending post-primary schools outlines the circumstances whereby an exemption from the study of Irish may be granted. Under the terms of this Circular delegated authority to grant exemptions, within the conditions laid down, is vested in the school management authorities of recognised post-primary schools. Where a school has a query on how the Circular should be applied in respect of any particular application they may seek the advice of my Department's Inspectorate. In respect of the case referred to by the Deputy the parents of the child should make a written application for an exemption to their child's school. If the application is being sought on the grounds of a specific learning disability the application should be supported with a psychologist's report carried out by a qualified psychologist not more than two years prior to the application for an exemption.
