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Forestry Grants

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 15 April 2015

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Questions (299)

Michael Moynihan


299. Deputy Michael Moynihan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine his plans to put a forestry grant in place to assist farmers in planting new trees to replace those that were knocked during the storm of February 2014. [14738/15]

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While the extent of damage from the winter storms in 2013/2014 is estimated to be less than 1% nationally, the damage was extensive at a local level. The south of the country and parts of the midlands in particular experienced significant damage where substantial quantities of timber were blown over.

A taskforce, chaired by Mr Tom Hayes TD, Minister of State, and comprising relevant forestry stakeholders was put in place to assess the damage nationally and to identify the various issues arising. The taskforce issued a guidance note for forest owners, laying down the steps to consider in safely harvesting and selling the fallen trees and giving advice on a range of other associated issues. Teagasc, in association with Coillte and my Department held two very successful events on managing storm damage in farm forests. These events were attended by over 400 forest owners. Teagasc forestry advisers continue to be available to discuss the issue with forest owners affected. Forest owners are also urged to get professional advice from qualified foresters to guide them through this process.

In relation to your specific point regarding a reconstitution scheme for forests damaged by last winter’s storms, I can report that this matter is under consideration.
