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Social and Affordable Housing Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 21 April 2015

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Questions (621)

Dessie Ellis


621. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government with respect to the 27,000 homes managed by approved housing bodies, if he will provide a breakdown of these tenancies, by type, including rental accommodation scheme, long-term leased, and directly owned by the housing body. [15244/15]

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According to the Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH), the national federation of non-profit housing associations, its’ associations manage up to 27,000 homes for families and vulnerable groups. Further details are available on the ICSH website:

Under my Department’s two main capital schemes which support the acquisition and development of social housing units by approved housing bodies, namely the Capital Assistance Scheme and the Capital Loan and Subsidy Scheme, almost 26,000 units of accommodation have been funded up to the end of 2014. These units are now owned and managed by the approved housing bodies.

To the end of March 2015, under the Social Housing Current Expenditure Programme, previously known as the Social Housing Leasing Initiative, almost 1,500 places were sourced by approved housing bodies under the programme’s various delivery mechanisms. In addition over 2,000 unsold affordable (USA) housing units are being managed by approved housing bodies. A breakdown of these by type is shown in the table below.

Delivery mechanism

Housing Units







Unsold Affordables-AHB-Managed




Under the Rental Accommodation Scheme, some tenants of AHB’s in properties funded through the Capital Assistance Scheme are eligible for a payment under RAS where they would have been eligible for a rent supplement payment. To the end of February 2015, there were almost 6,700 households in AHB managed units whose payment had transferred to RAS from rent supplement since the inception of the scheme.

My Department collates and publishes a wide range of housing and planning statistics which are available on the Department’s website at:,15291,en.xls.
