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Local Authority Housing Waiting Lists

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 21 April 2015

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Questions (624)

Dessie Ellis


624. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the number of households currently on local authority housing waiting lists; and the number of these households which are currently in receipt of rent supplement. [15252/15]

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The latest summary of social housing assessments, which was carried out as of 7 May 2013, showed that there were 89,872 households on local authority waiting lists at that date. Of this figure, 42,109 households, or 47% of the total, were in private rented accommodation and in receipt of rent supplement. The full 2013 results are available on my Department’s website at:,34857,en.pdf.

In order to ensure that the most up to date and comprehensive data is available on an on-going basis, relating to the numbers applying for social housing support, the Government’s Social Housing Strategy 2020, published in November 2014, includes a number of actions to standardise assessment and increase the regularity of assessments including undertaking the summary of social housing assessments on an annual basis from 2016 onwards.
