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Employment Support Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 30 April 2015

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Questions (48)

Dominic Hannigan


48. Deputy Dominic Hannigan asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection the steps her Department is taking to make it easier for self-employed persons who lose their jobs to get back into employment or to start their own businesses again; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [17069/15]

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Persons engaged in self-employment are entitled to apply for means tested jobseekers allowance (JA) should they find that their income from their self-employment has reduced significantly and is no longer providing adequate income support. All means, including that derived from self-employment, is assessed and, where appropriate, JA can be paid.

A person who was self-employed and closes their business can apply for a means tested JA payment for income support while they are without employment. Additional to these income supports, the Department also operates the back to work enterprise allowance (BTWEA) for those longer term jobseekers who wish to pursue a self-employment opportunity. This allowance is designed to provide the full value of the prior social protection payment in the first year of operation reducing to 75% in year two. In the case of jobseekers, the qualifying period required for access BTWEA is 12 months. The Short-Term Enterprise Allowance provides immediate access to support where people who have lost their jobs and qualify for jobseekers’ benefit wish to set up a business. Payment under the scheme is at the same rate and for the same duration as their entitlement to jobseeker’s benefit.

The Intreo service delivered by the Department is a single point of contact for all employment and income supports and is available to provide additional individually focused supports. Supports for persons wishing to start-up a business or to support an existing business are also available from local enterprise offices and from local development companies. A number of websites provide on-line support and advice, including The location of local enterprise offices around the country can also be found on and information on supports available to small and medium enterprises can be obtained at
