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Social and Affordable Housing Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 9 June 2015

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Questions (1082)

Tom Fleming


1082. Deputy Tom Fleming asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government if he will provide details, in tabular form, of the funding for social housing in each local authority for the years 2000 to 2014 and in 2015 to date; the number of new units built in each year and the category of housing units built; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22276/15]

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Under my Department’s Social Housing Capital Investment Programme, funding is provided to housing authorities to increase their supply of social housing stock through the construction and acquisition of houses and apartments. Details of the funding provided to local authorities from 2004 to 2014 are readily available in my Department and are outlined in the tables below. Details of the funding for the years 2000 to 2003 inclusive will be collated and provided to the Deputy as soon as possible.

Social housing is a key priority for this Government, evidenced by the additional €2.2 billion in funding announced for it in Budget 2015 and the publication of the Social Housing Strategy 2020 in November 2014. I expect that, nationally, some 7,400 new social housing units will be provided under a range of initiatives for 2015.

In relation to the number of units delivered as a result of the Social Housing Capital Investment Programme in the period 2000-2014, my Department collates and publishes a wide range of housing and planning statistics that inform the preparation and evaluation of policy. It includes data on the number of social housing units delivered, broken down by year, and those data are available on my Department’s website at:,15291,en.xls by clicking “Social Housing Outputs” under the Social Housing Supports heading. 

Local Authority




Carlow County Council




Cavan County Council




Clare County Council




Cork County Council




Cork City Council




Donegal County Council




Dublin City Council




Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown




Fingal County Council




Galway City Council




Galway County Council




Kerry County Council




Kildare County Council




Kilkenny County Council




Laois County Council




Leitrim County Council




Limerick City Council




Limerick County Council




Longford County Council




Louth County Council




Mayo County Council




Meath County Council




Monaghan County Council




Offaly County Council




Roscommon County Council




Sligo County Council




South Dublin County Council




Tipperary North County Council




Tipperary South County Council




Waterford City Council




Waterford County Council




Westmeath County Council




Wexford County Council




Wicklow County Council




Local Authority




Carlow County Council




Cavan County Council




Clare County Council




Cork County Council




Cork City Council




Donegal County Council




Dublin City Council




Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown




Fingal County Council




Galway City Council




Galway County Council




Kerry County Council




Kildare County Council




Kilkenny County Council




Laois County Council




Leitrim County Council




Limerick City Council




Limerick County Council




Longford County Council




Louth County Council




Mayo County Council




Meath County Council




Monaghan County Council




Offaly County Council




Roscommon County Council




Sligo County Council




South Dublin County Council




Tipperary North County Council




Tipperary South County Council




Waterford City Council




Waterford County Council




Westmeath County Council




Wexford County Council




Wicklow County Council




Local Authority




Carlow County Council




Cavan County Council




Clare County Council




Cork County Council




Cork City Council




Donegal County Council




Dublin City Council




Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown




Fingal County Council




Galway City Council




Galway County Council




Kerry County Council




Kildare County Council




Kilkenny County Council




Laois County Council




Leitrim County Council




Limerick City Council




Limerick County Council




Longford County Council




Louth County Council




Mayo County Council




Meath County Council




Monaghan County Council




Offaly County Council




Roscommon County Council




Sligo County Council




South Dublin County Council




Tipperary North County Council




Tipperary South County Council




Waterford City Council




Waterford County Council




Westmeath County Council




Wexford County Council




Wicklow County Council




Local Authority



Carlow County Council



Cavan County Council



Clare County Council



Cork County Council



Cork City Council



Donegal County Council



Dublin City Council



Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown



Fingal County Council



Galway City Council



Galway County Council



Kerry County Council



Kildare County Council



Kilkenny County Council



Laois County Council



Leitrim County Council



Limerick City Council



Limerick County Council



Longford County Council



Louth County Council



Mayo County Council



Meath County Council



Monaghan County Council



Offaly County Council



Roscommon County Council



Sligo County Council



South Dublin County Council



Tipperary North County Council



Tipperary South County Council



Waterford City Council



Waterford County Council



Westmeath County Council



Wexford County Council



Wicklow County Council


