I propose to take Questions Nos. 144 to 146, inclusive, together.
The following table contains details of the Commissions of Investigation established for which the Taoiseach has responsibility for overseeing administrative matters relating to their establishment, for receiving their reports and for performing any other functions given to him under the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004.
Name of Commission of Investigation
Date of Establishment
Commission of Investigation into the Dublin and Monaghan Bombings of 1974
Patrick McEntee, SC
May 2005
Commission of Investigation (certain matters relating to An Garda Síochána and other Persons)
Judge Nial Fennelly
April 2014
The McEntee Commission's final report was published in April 2007.
As I informed the Dail previously, most recently on 21 April 2015 in response to parliamentary questions, under its terms of reference the Fennelly Commission was due to issue its final report by the end of 2014, subject to section 6(6) of the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004, which provides for an extension at the Commission's request.
In July 2014, Judge Fennelly advised me that it would not be possible to complete the full investigation by the end of last year but that it may be possible for him to submit an earlier interim report on items (n) and (o) of its terms of reference, if so requested by me.
In response, I formally requested that Judge Fennelly would submit that interim report, if he believed it to be feasible and appropriate, and I informed the Dáil of that request.
In November 2014, Judge Fennelly submitted a detailed progress report to me and formally requested an extension of the timeframe for his full investigation until the end of 2015. I agreed to the extension of the overall timeframe.
It is solely a matter for the Commission to complete its final and interim reports, in accordance with the procedures set down in the Act. When the Commission's interim and final reports are received they will be published in accordance with the law.