A total of €7 million is being made available under the Early Years Capital Programme in 2015. Of this funding, €5 million is being made available for grants specifically for community/not-for-profit early years services. This funding will provide for the allocation of capital grant aid in the region of €500,000 for significant upgrades of services such as major refurbishment or relocation to new premises. Grants of up to €50,000 for essential maintenance, or works undertaken to improve the energy performance of community/not-for-profit services are also being provided. The remaining €2 million is being made available for both private and community/not-for-profit services to access grants of up to €500 for quality improvement measures, specifically in the area of upgrading IT facilities.
I understand that the early years service referred to by the Deputy has submitted an application for funding for essential maintenance to Pobal, who is administering this Programme on behalf of my Department. Pobal has now commenced the process of appraising all of the applications and applicants will be advised of the outcome as soon as possible.