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Post Office Network

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 24 June 2015

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Questions (81)

Tom Fleming


81. Deputy Tom Fleming asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection further to Parliamentary Questions Nos. 220 of 31 March 2015 and 168 of 16 June 2015, if she will explain the contradiction regarding her issuing of letters recommending social welfare recipients to utilise their banks rather than the post office network, as this business is paramount to the future existence of the post office network; if she will revert back to her original stance and response to my parliamentary question of 31 March 2015; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [25414/15]

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The Deputy’s question of the 31st March last related to letters issued to customers as part of a small trial to determine the best means of communicating with people about their payment options. The position has not changed and the Department has no plans to issue further letters at this stage.

The Deputy’s question of 16th June related to changes to applications forms which were issued to post offices. Further to my answer of 16th June I can confirm that the department will be updating the forms to ensure that a neutral wording in relation to payment options is provided and to also ensure that one payment option is not favoured over another.

The Department is conscious of the important role of the post office around the country, not only in respect of social welfare payments but also in offering other financial services such as paying bills and carrying out a range of banking services. The Government has consistently stated its commitment to maintaining the post office network as set out in the Programme for Government.
