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Student Grant Scheme Eligibility

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 30 June 2015

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Questions (572)

Willie Penrose


572. Deputy Willie Penrose asked the Minister for Education and Skills in the context of adjacency rate measurements for the purpose of Higher Education Grants, if she will change the 45 kilometre requirement to travel distance rather than the geographical distance, as the crow flies, which does not work in rural Ireland; if she will consider a rural exemption from the 45 kilometre rule or a reversion to the old rate of 24 kilometres for rural colleges with no proven or little transport links; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [26365/15]

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The current qualifying distance of 45km for the higher non-adjacent rate of student grant, takes into account a reasonable radius within which students may commute on a daily basis. The measurement of the distances relating to the award of adjacent or non-adjacent rates of student grant is a matter for the relevant grant awarding authority. The distance measurement for student grant rates is governed by Article 27(3)(a) and (b) of the Student Grant Scheme 2015. This provides that the relevant distance will be measured in line with agreed guidelines.

The guidelines require that the shortest most direct route between the applicant's normal residence and the institution being attended should apply. In determining the shortest most direct route, the relevant awarding authority shall establish:

- the method for measuring a route;

- the factors to be taken into account in establishing and measuring a route.

The awarding authority's criteria for measuring a route must be accessible, particularly to the applicant, the appeals officer and the Student Grants Appeals Board. I have no plans to change the current arrangements.
