I propose to take Questions Nos. 576 and 577 together.
There are now more additional special needs teachers and special needs assistants (SNAs) supporting children with special educational needs in our schools than at any time previously. The NCSE allocated 6,454 resource teacher posts to schools for September 2015, which is an increase of 554 posts - or 9.4% - since September 2014.
An additional 149 special classes will open in September which brings to over 1,000, the number of special classes in mainstream schools and represents a 17% increase over the 2014/15 number of special classes. In addition, 11,330 SNA posts, an increase of 365 posts, or over 3%, are available to the NCSE to allocate to the end of the current school year. This is the highest level of special needs teachers and SNA support that we have ever had, and will ensure that children with special educational needs can continue to participate in education and be supported in a manner appropriate to their needs.
My Department is currently considering SNA requirements for the coming school year and expects to be in a position to authorise the NCSE to announce the allocations in the near future.