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Social Welfare Payments Administration

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 8 July 2015

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Questions (47)

Bobby Aylward


47. Deputy Bobby Aylward asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection the progress on the recent commitment (details supplied) provided by her to revise her Department's application forms, which currently provide a clear recommendation to applicants to use commercial banks in preference to the post office network; when it is expected that revised forms will be issued; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [27802/15]

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As the Deputy is aware, I have asked the department to update the forms in question to ensure that a neutral wording in relation to payment options is provided and to also ensure that one payment option is not favoured over another.

These amendments will be carried out over the next number of weeks. My officials have already commenced preparatory work on this process and I expect this work to be completed in a timely manner. However, given that the department’s forms are integrated into its automated systems the work must be done carefully and properly to ensure uninterrupted service to our customers. I do not wish to cause delays to our customers through loss of our automated systems due to improperly considered changes or modifications.
