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Rural Environment Protection Scheme Payments

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 23 September 2015

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Questions (74)

Paul Connaughton


74. Deputy Paul J. Connaughton asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine the reason a person (details supplied) in County Galway has not received their payment under the rural environment protection scheme for the past two years of the scheme; if this will affect their payments in respect of the green low-carbon agri-environmental scheme; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [32438/15]

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My Department is currently examining approximately 400 cases that submitted invoices from one particular company to verify and support claims under the non-productive capital investment action of AEOS. It is known that in some cases the invoices submitted were for greater amounts than actually paid by the participants.

Funding provided under the scheme comes partly from the EU and partly from the National Exchequer. There is a requirement and obligation to ensure that the expenditure claimed by scheme participants reflects the reality of what took place. For that reason my Department wrote to participants requesting alternative proof that the amounts claimed were in fact the amounts paid.

The person named was written to on 11 June 2015, regarding the non-productive capital investment claim submitted. This letter requested submission of alternative verifiable proof for one of the invoices included in the claim. My Department officials are now examining this case on foot of the reply received. A decision on this case will issue to the person named shortly.

To date no approvals have been issued for applications under GLAS.
