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National Dementia Strategy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 13 October 2015

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Questions (287)

Eamonn Maloney


287. Deputy Eamonn Maloney asked the Minister for Health if the prevalence and incidence of dementia continue to follow current trends resulting in a trebling of its incidence within a generation; the plans to develop and implement a medium to long-term commitment to address dementia following the existing national dementia strategy; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [35490/15]

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The Irish National Dementia Strategy was launched in December 2014. This delivers on a commitment in the Programme for Government to develop a national Alzheimer's and other dementia strategy to increase awareness, ensure early diagnosis and intervention and develop enhanced community based services.

It is estimated that there are approximately 50,000 people with dementia in Ireland today. These numbers are expected to increase to over 140,000 by 2041 as the number of older people in Ireland increases. The Strategy emphasises that most people with dementia live in their own communities and can continue to live well and to participate in those communities for far longer than many people appreciate.

The Department of Health and the HSE have agreed a joint initiative with the Atlantic Philanthropies to implement significant elements of the Strategy over the period 2014-2017. This National Dementia Strategy Implementation Programme will represent a combined investment of €27.5m, with Atlantic Philanthropies contributing €12m, and the HSE contributing €15.5m.

This programme will promote a greater focus on timely diagnosis of dementia and on the value of early intervention, along with the long-term objective of making people in Ireland generally more aware and understanding of the needs of people with dementia, and of the contribution that those with dementia continue to make to our society.

Key elements of the initiative include:

- the roll-out of a programme of Intensive Home Supports and Home-care Packages for people with dementia;

- the provision of additional dementia-specific resources for GPs, who are the critical and initial point of contact with the health system for those with dementia. The resource material will include training materials and guidance on local services and contact points etc.;

- Measures to raise public awareness, address stigma and promote the inclusion and involvement in society of those with dementia.

A Monitoring Group, chaired by the Department of Health, has been established to assist with and advise on implementation of the National Dementia Strategy, including the National Dementia Strategy Implementation Programme. This Group includes health professionals, administrators, researchers and advocates. The Group also includes a person living with dementia and a representative of those who care for people with dementia. The most recent meeting of this Monitoring Group was held on 24 September 2015.
