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Education and Training Boards Remit

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 20 October 2015

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Questions (577)

Eamonn Maloney


577. Deputy Eamonn Maloney asked the Minister for Education and Skills to explain the reason education and training boards have no structured links with local industries for trainees during and following completion of courses; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [36183/15]

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My Department, SOLAS and the Education and Training Boards (ETBs), are developing the further education and training (FET) sector, through the implementation of the FET Strategy 2014-2019. The Strategy provides for the development of stronger links and partnerships between employers, employees and ETBs to provide education and training solutions that respond to the needs of learners and employers alike.

The annual service planning process requires ETBs to set out how provision meets local and national employer needs and the needs of unemployed persons including those referred to education and training by the Department of Social Protection. My Department is currently involved in the establishment of 9 Regional Skills Fora to enable ETBs and higher education institutions address employer skills needs in a more unified way and strengthen the links between learners and industry.

FET programmes such as Traineeship and Momentum contain a work placement component where individuals can use and develop the skills they have learned in a class setting in a practical working environment. In addition, the apprenticeship programme provides structured training in specified occupations both on and off the job. There are also less formal workplace components on a range of other FET programmes.
