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Medical Card Administration

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 22 October 2015

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Questions (263)

Éamon Ó Cuív


263. Deputy Éamon Ó Cuív asked the Minister for Health the reason medical cards which are under review have been cancelled in respect of persons (details supplied) in County Galway, despite the fact that a request for an extension on these cards was sent to the medical card section by this Deputy's office on 25 September 2015, before the cards were due to expire on 30 September 2015, and also despite the fact that information requested by the Health Service Executive in respect of a review of these medical cards was forwarded by the applicants within the required timeframe; if any policy directive has been issued by him to the Health Service Executive not to cancel existing medical cards where they are still under consideration; if he has not issued such a directive, his plans to do so to ensure that medical card holders retain their medical cards while under periodic review; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [36904/15]

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Under the Health Act, 1970, as amended, it is the function of the HSE to decide on the entitlement to a medical card and a GP visit card. I am aware that the HSE has a very structured protocol in place for the medical card application and review process and every effort is made for on-going engagement between the HSE and applicants during this process.

Neither I, nor Minister Varadkar, has given - or will give - any instruction to the HSE as referenced by the Deputy. Under the legislation, it is very clear that there is no role for the Minister for Health in assessing an individual’s medical card eligibility. You will appreciate that it is contrary to the HSE Governance Act of 2013 for the Minister for Health to give a direction to the HSE relating to a decision concerning the eligibility of an individual.

I have asked the HSE to examine this matter and to reply to the Deputy as soon as possible. If the Deputy has not received a reply from the HSE within 15 working days, please contact my Private Office who will follow up the matter with them.
