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Carer's Allowance Eligibility

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 3 November 2015

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Questions (187)

James Bannon


187. Deputy James Bannon asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection if she will examine and expedite a decision on an appeal for a carer's allowance by a person (details supplied) in County Longford; and if she will make a statement on the matter. [37547/15]

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The person concerned was refused carers allowance on the grounds that the disability of the care recipient was not such there was a requirement for full-time care and attention as prescribed in regulations. The person in question was notified on 27 April 2015 of this decision, the reason for it and of his right of review and appeal.

The person concerned requested a review of this decision. The outcome of which confirmed the original decision.

The person concerned appealed this decision and the case was submitted to the Social Welfare Appeal’s office for determination. An Appeals Officer, having fully considered all of the available evidence, disallowed the appeal. The person concerned was notified of the outcome on 11 September 2015 and was provided with a detailed explanation of the basis for the decision.

Under Social Welfare legislation, the decision of an Appeals Officer is final and conclusive and may only be reviewed in the light of additional evidence or new facts. If circumstances have changed, it is open to the person concerned to submit a new application for carer’s allowance.
