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Psychological Assessments

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 8 December 2015

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Questions (499)

Jerry Buttimer


499. Deputy Jerry Buttimer asked the Minister for Education and Skills why a Youthreach student (details supplied) has not been assessed by an educational psychologist. [43762/15]

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I can inform the Deputy that funds are made available from my Department to the Educational Training Boards to provide for the various non-pay cost of students on the Youthreach programme, including counselling and psychology services.

I would advise therefore that if the parents of the student referred to in the Deputy's question have concerns in relation to his educational development that they raise them with the co-ordinator of the Youthreach Centre involved with a view to discussing the matter of the need for an educational psychological assessment with the relevant E.T.B.
