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Nursing Home Services

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 15 December 2015

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Questions (395)

Dessie Ellis


395. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for Health to justify the exorbitant costs paid to private nursing homes and the measures that are put in place to prevent private nursing homes from adding extra costs that are driving the families of those in care into poverty (details supplied). [44846/15]

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Written answers

The legislation underpinning the Nursing Homes Support Scheme requires each private nursing home to negotiate and agree a price for long-term residential care services with the National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) should they wish to be an approved nursing home for the purposes of the Scheme. The NTPF is independent in the performance of this function and, in carrying it out, must ensure value for money for both the individual and the State. It negotiates with each nursing home individually and may examine the records and accounts of nursing homes as part of the process. This is to ensure that the State obtains the best value for each individual in a nursing home and to comply with competition law.

In negotiating with nursing homes, the NTPF has regard to:

- costs reasonably and prudently incurred by the nursing home and evidence of value for money;

- price(s) previously charged;

- local market price; and

- budgetary constraints and the obligation on the State to use available resources in the most beneficial, effective and efficient manner to improve, promote and protect the health and welfare of the public.

The Scheme covers the cost of the standard components of residential care, which are:

- nursing and personal care appropriate to the level of care needs of the person;

- bed and board;

- basic aids and appliances necessary to assist a person with the activities of daily living; and

- laundry service.

It is not permissible for any facility to levy additional charges in respect of the above. Part 8 of the Health Act 2007 (Care and Welfare of Residents in Designated Centres for Older People) Regulations 2009 stipulates that the registered provider of the nursing home must agree a contract with each resident within one month of their admission. This contract must include details of the services to be provided to that resident and the fees to be charged. Residents should not be charged fees which are not set out in the contract. The HSE is not a party to such contracts which are concluded between each resident and their nursing home.

A person's eligibility for other schemes, such as the Medical Card Scheme or the Drugs Payment Scheme, is unaffected by participation in the Nursing Homes Support Scheme or residence in a nursing home. Incontinence wear, where required, is provided free of charge by the HSE to all Nursing Homes Support Scheme residents that possess a Medical Card.
