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Tax Avoidance

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 17 December 2015

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Questions (170)

Catherine Murphy


170. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Finance the process which the Revenue Commissioners has in place for a person who wishes to notify them of tax evasion or any other improper or illegal matter concerning the payment of tax, either anonymously or otherwise; why there is no central national facility in place to enable a person to do this; if leaving the process at local or regional level will allow conflicts to arise given that the reporting person may be known to officials of the Revenue Commissioners, their anonymity may be compromised and this may discourage whistleblowers from coming forward; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [46202/15]

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I am advised by Revenue that such a facility as mentioned by the Deputy is in place. Revenue has a facility on its website that allows a person to report instances of tax evasion.  Information and the reporting form can be accessed through the following link: Any such report will be followed through by Revenue. The person making the report may remain entirely anonymous if they so wish. Revenue also provides a Confidential Freefone Number: 1800 295 295 through which a person can report drug smuggling or smuggling of any kind and the illegal sale of cigarettes.

Notwithstanding the facility to report tax evasion anonymously, if a person has specific information that s/he wishes to disclose to a Revenue official other than an official in his or her local Revenue office, then appropriate arrangements can be made in that regard by Revenue.

The Director of Internal Audit in the Office of the Revenue Commissioners is also a prescribed person for the purposes of the Protected Disclosure Act 2014 and Statutory Instrument No. 339 of 2014.  The protections available under the Protected Disclosure Act 2014 are available to employees in respect of disclosures made to the Director of Internal Audit of all matters relating to the assessment, collection and management of taxes and duties and the implementation of customs controls.

If the Deputy is aware of a person who wishes to report tax evasion on that basis, the Deputy can advise my officials and arrangements can be subsequently made by Revenue.
