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Pension Provisions

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 6 April 2016

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Questions (135)

Seán Kyne


135. Deputy Seán Kyne asked the Minister for Finance if there is a mechanism to allow a person (details supplied) in County Galway who paid voluntary pension contributions in 2014 but failed to pay in 2015 to pay voluntary pension contributions for 2015; if there is an appeals mechanism in this regard; if he will consider an oversight of the payment deadline for 2015; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5467/16]

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I am advised by Revenue that all self-employed persons between 16 and 66 years of age, with reckonable income or emoluments of €5,000 or more per year, are liable for compulsory PRSI pension contributions. A self employed person who is not liable to pay PRSI in a particular year may, subject to meeting certain conditions, be eligible to become a voluntary contributor.

Compulsory PRSI contributions are assessed and charged through the Income Tax system. The person concerned made a tax return for 2014 and he was liable for compulsory PRSI contributions. He will shortly receive a tax return for 2015 which must be sent back to Revenue on or before 31 October 2016. If the amount of reckonable income is greater than €5,000 he will again be liable for compulsory PRSI pension contributions - when the return is made, an assessment will be issued by Revenue that will show the amount of PRSI due for 2015.

If the amount of reckonable income for 2015 is less than €5,000, the person concerned may, subject to meeting certain conditions, make voluntary PRSI pension contributions. Any queries in that regard are a matter for the Department of Social Protection. Further information is available from the Voluntary Contributions Section, Department of Social Protection, Cork Road, Waterford.
