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Credit Availability

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 4 May 2016

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Questions (48)

Bernard Durkan


48. Deputy Bernard J. Durkan asked the Minister for Finance the extent to which he monitors credit needs in all aspects of the business sector, without exception; if he is satisfied that these needs are being fully met in line with economic requirements; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [8923/16]

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As the Deputy is aware, small businesses play a central role in the sustainable recovery of the Irish economy. To facilitate this, Government policy is focused on ensuring that all viable SMEs have access to an appropriate supply of credit from a diverse range of bank and non-bank sources. Officials from my Department regularly meet representatives from the Small Firms Association, Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association and Chambers Ireland to discuss issues around access to finance.

AIB and Bank of Ireland are concentrating on growing their balance sheets.  In this context, both banks recognise the need to increase business lending and have put on record their commitment to the SME sector.  The most recent Department of Finance SME credit demand survey, covering the period April-September 2015, shows that 85% of SME credit applications,  excluding pending applications, were approved. Further results from the survey can be found at

My Department has been involved in a range of initiatives to encourage access to credit for small and medium sized businesses. The SME State Bodies Group provides a forum for the development and implementation of policy measures to enhance SMEs' access to a stable and appropriate supply of finance.

Some of the main policies introduced to encourage access to credit for small and medium businesses include:

- The Supporting SMEs Online Tool, a cross-government initiative, was launched in May 2014. On answering 8 simple questions, the small business will receive a list of available Government supports.  The Supporting SMEs Online Tool is available at

- The Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland has been established as a means of ensuring that SMEs are provided with sufficient finance for growth. The Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI) is an initiative designed to increase the availability of funding to SMEs at a lower cost and on more flexible terms then have recently been available on the Irish Market in recent times. The SBCI does not lend directly to SMEs. It uses a network of lending partners known as 'on lenders' to make its funds available to SMEs. More information on the SBCI can be found on

- The Credit Guarantee Scheme encourages additional lending to small businesses by offering a partial Government guarantee to banks against losses on qualifying loans to eligible SMEs.

- The Microenterprise Loan Fund, administered by Microfinance Ireland, provides support in the form of loans for up to €25,000, available to start-up, newly established, or growing micro enterprises employing less than 10 people, with viable business propositions.  Microfinance Ireland works in partnership with the Local Enterprise Offices nationally to administer this fund (

- The Credit Review Office helps SME or Farm borrowers who have had an application for credit of up to €3 million declined or reduced by the main banks, and who feel that they have a viable business proposition.  They also examine cases where borrowers feel that the terms and conditions of their existing loan, or a new loan offer, are unfairly onerous or have been unreasonably changed to their detriment.  This is a strictly confidential process between the business, the Credit Review Office and the bank. The Credit Reviewer and his team have overturned more than 50% of the refusals that have been appealed to the Office.  Further details are available at

My Department and the Credit Review Office, working with the other relevant Departments and Agencies, will continue to monitor the availability of both bank and non-bank credit on both a macro and sectoral basis in order to ensure that sufficient access to finance is available to facilitate participants in the SME sector to reach their full potential in terms of growth and employment generation.
