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School Curriculum

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 17 May 2016

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Questions (259)

Patrick O'Donovan


259. Deputy Patrick O'Donovan asked the Minister for Education and Skills to outline the consultation that took place in advance of the change in cycling training for primary schools that is funded through the Road Safety Authority; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [9626/16]

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The objectives in the Primary SPHE curriculum which relate to cycling and keeping safe when travelling are part of the strand 'Myself'. Within this strand is a unit called 'Safety and Protection'. The pupils learn about the theory relating to road safety while studying this unit.

Practical cycling training is a non-curricular activity. The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport is responsible for the national cycling training standard. My Department took part in the Working Group on the Establishment of a National Certificate for Cycling for School Children which was run by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport.

'Cycle Right' is the new National Cycling Training Standard which will bring current and future training activity in under a best-practice standard going forward. 'Cycle Right' is an initiative of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, in association with Cycling Ireland and other interested parties such as the RSA, An Taisce Green Schools, An Garda Síochána,, Coaching Ireland and various Local Authorities and Local Area Sports Partnership.

'Cycle Right' is currently being piloted and existing providers have been given the opportunity to train to the new standard, followed by opportunities for those fresh to the training profession.

The planned launch for Cycle Right, the National Cycling Training Standard is scheduled for September 2016.
