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Employment Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 31 May 2016

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Questions (76)

Ruth Coppinger


76. Deputy Ruth Coppinger asked the Taoiseach the number and percentage of workers earning less than the living wage of €11.50 an hour for each year since 2008, in tabular form [13641/16]

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The exact information requested by the Deputy is currently not available.

The National Employment Survey, which provided statistics on the structure of earnings, was discontinued in 2010 due to resource constraints.

However, the CSO is currently completing a project to provide corresponding statistics for the years 2011 to 2014 by using administrative data sources rather than direct surveying of businesses.

For this project, the CSO is analysing Revenue P35 data for employees, combined with other statistical and administrative data sources, to provide a structural breakdown of earnings by age, gender, occupation, sector and other variables.

All of the analysis is being conducted by the CSO under the Statistics Act, 1993.

The results for the years 2011 to 2014 will be published before the end of July 2016 and the requested tables will be provided as soon as the results are available.

Question No. 77 answered with Question No. 73.