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Semi-State Bodies Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 14 June 2016

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Questions (571)

Noel Rock


571. Deputy Noel Rock asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the number of chief executive officers in semi-State companies under the aegis of his Department who are employed on Hay contracts and non-Hay contracts. [15680/16]

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Hay contracts are generally understood as fixed term contracts with defined terms and conditions and are normally offered to CEOs of commercial State bodies. The Department has responsibility for sixteen commercial State bodies. Of these companies, the CEOs of  eleven were appointed under Hay contracts while two were appointed under non-Hay contracts.

In the case of the remaining three commercial State bodies, CIE does not have a CEO position, Wicklow Port company does not currently have a CEO and Shannon Group plc will be appointing a CEO later this month.

The two non-Hay contracts arise in the cases of the CEO of New Ross Port Company who has combined duties of CEO and Harbour Master and the CEO of Drogheda Port Company who was appointed in 2001 on a non-Hay contract. A number of the CEOs in the commercial State companies that were appointed in accordance with Hay terms now have contracts of indefinite duration or annual roll-over contracts. 

Contracts for CEOs or Heads of non-commercial State Bodies under the Department's remit are approved by the Department and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and are in line with Government policy on remuneration.
