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Regeneration Projects Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 6 July 2016

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Questions (122)

Dessie Ellis


122. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government further to the request this Deputy made to provide a breakdown of 2016 commitments on regeneration projects which were €28 million for Limerick city, €11 million for Cork city, €5 million for Dublin city and €2 million each for Tralee, Dundalk and Sligo, which amounts to €50 million overall (details supplied), if the total allocation for regeneration in 2016 is €104 million. [20028/16]

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The allocation for regeneration projects for 2016 is €50m, as stated in the reply to Question Number 14 of 29 June 2016. Individual regeneration projects are implemented on a multi-annual basis and, accordingly, they receive funding that is spread over the years of their implementation. The €50m allocated for regeneration projects in 2016 is in relation to implementation activities for this year alone.
