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Housing Adaptation Grant Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 13 July 2016

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Questions (125)

Dessie Ellis


125. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government to make funding available through the Health Service Executive or Fingal Council to assist persons (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [21457/16]

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The funding provided by my Department to local authorities towards the Housing Adaptation Grants for Older People and People with a Disability assists eligible applicants to have necessary repairs or improvement works carried out to private houses to facilitate the continued independent occupancy of their homes. The detailed administration of the Scheme , including the assessment, approval and prioritisation of grants to applicants, is the responsibility of the local authorities and the maximum funding of €30,000 per application is geared towards spreading the benefits of the scheme as widely as possible. Local authorities will consider any available options in responding to a person’s circumstances, depending on their precise nature, and that should be followed up directly with the relevant local authority.

I am aware that the Minister of State at the Department of Health arranged for the referral of the Deputy's Parliamentary Question on this matter, which the Deputy raised on 5 July last, to the Health Service Executive for a direct reply to the Deputy, in the context of the provision of health and personal social services. I have been informed that the Health Service Executive will issue a reply to the Deputy shortly.
