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Urban Renewal Schemes

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 19 July 2016

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Questions (370)

Dessie Ellis


370. Deputy Dessie Ellis asked the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government the projects in Ballymun that received funding from the regeneration programme; and his plans to bridge any gap in funding that may occur from the completion of the programme in 2017. [22646/16]

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My Department has provided funding to Dublin City Council for a number of years to support certain social and community measures in the Ballymun area as part of the Regeneration Programme there. This is in addition to projects supported through other programmes funded by my Department, such as the Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme (SICAP), and the programmes of other Departments and State bodies.

My Department will work with Dublin City Council on a transition over the coming years from funding provided under the Regeneration programme.

The projects supported through the Regeneration Programme in 2016 are set out as follows:


Axis Centre Ballymun

Ballymun Alcohol Community Outreach Ltd

Ballymun Community Law Centre


Ballymun Regional Youth Resource

DCU in the Community

De Paul Ireland

Global Action Plan

Rediscovery Centre Ballymun

St Margaret’s Traveller’s Association

Sports Across Ireland

DIT Music Programme

Dublin County Board

Innovate Dublin

Community Initiatives

Safer Ballymun

Sports Programme
