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Capitation Grants

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 20 July 2016

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Questions (153)

Thomas Byrne


153. Deputy Thomas Byrne asked the Minister for Education and Skills the estimated cost of restoring pre-2010 capitation levels to primary schools; and the estimated cost of a 10% increase in the capitation grant to primary schools. [23189/16]

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In the period 2011 to 2015 the capitation and related grants for primary schools were reduced by just over 11% in aggregate. The estimated cost of restoring capitation and related grants to primary schools to pre-2011 levels would be circa €21m.

Each 1% increase in capitation and related grants for primary schools would cost approx. €1.9m. and therefore a 10% increase would cost approx. €19m.

In relation to capitation levels for future years, the recently published Programme for a Partnership Government commits to investing an extra €500m in education by 2021 through various measures including annual increases in primary and secondary capitation rates.

It also provides for additional capitation funding linked to the availability of afterschool care options, where demand exists and the setting out of capitation rates to schools on a rolling 3-year basis.

The commitments in the Programme, including to increase capitation funding, will be considered in the context of the budgetary process.
