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Courts Service

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 27 September 2016

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Questions (125)

Maureen O'Sullivan


125. Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Justice and Equality if she is satisfied that court procedures are carried out in a sensitive manner, that persons entering court are treated with respect and that no preferential treatment is given to some solicitors over others; and if she will address concerns by persons taking legal action that there are robust complaints procedures for them to avail of when necessary. [27236/16]

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As the Deputy will be aware, judges are independent in matters concerning the exercise of judicial functions, subject only to the Constitution and the law. The conduct of any decision reached in any court case is a matter entirely for the presiding judge.

The Deputy may also be aware that there is a commitment to legislate to establish a Judicial Council, to provide an effective mechanism for dealing with complaints against judges. This commitment is being pursued by way of the proposed Judicial Council Bill which will provide for the establishment of a Judicial Council and Board of that Council to promote excellence and high standards of conduct by judges. In addition, the Bill will provide for the establishment of a Judicial Conduct Committee, the membership of which will include lay persons, to facilitate the investigation of allegations of judicial misconduct.

My Department is working closely with the Office of the Attorney General to bring the Bill to a timely conclusion and it is the Government's intention to have this legislation published in the current Dáil session.
