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Tourism Funding

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 29 November 2016

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Questions (718)

Brendan Griffin


718. Deputy Brendan Griffin asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport if he will provide funding in 2017 for the community tourism initiative for the diaspora in view of the success of the scheme for small communities; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [36940/16]

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My Department's role in relation to tourism lies primarily in the area of national tourism policy. It is not directly involved in the management or development of individual tourism initiatives, which are operational matters for Fáilte Ireland.

The National Community Diaspora Tourism Initiative was a three-way partnership between Fáilte Ireland, the Local Authorities (under the auspices of the County and City Managers Association) and IPB Insurance. Each party contributed €333,000 per year for 3 years between 2014 and 2016 towards community events which had a strong Diaspora element. This fund was established as a follow-on from the success of the Gathering in mobilising local communities to harness diaspora links for the benefit of local tourism.

As regards the development of another tourism funding initiative of this nature, I am referring the Deputy's question to Fáilte Ireland for direct reply. The Deputy should contact my private office if he has not received a reply within ten working days.

The referred reply under Standing Order 42A was forwarded to the Deputy.
