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Hospital Accommodation Provision

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 7 February 2017

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Questions (435)

Joan Burton


435. Deputy Joan Burton asked the Minister for Health if he will give consideration to the inclusion of phase 3c of Naas General Hospital in the revised capital plan during the mid-term review of the capital plan; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [5718/17]

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The project to be delivered at Naas General Hospital will include accommodation and ancillary services to support the new physical medicine, physical therapy, oncology services and day procedures departments, a duplex (rather than simplex) reverse osmosis filtration system and two lifts. All stages of capital projects, including the design and tendering processes, are subject to review to ensure that the projects deliver value for money. This includes, where possible, 'future proofing' to ensure that capital developments meet not just current standards but that provision is made for additional capacity and/or improved equipping and that these are addressed appropriately. This has resulted in a significant increase in the scope of the project and as a consequence its estimated cost.

Funding will be considered in the context of the future capital envelope for the health service and the overall priorities for future service development in the Dublin Midlands Hospital Group. During 2017 my Department will work with the HSE and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform to conduct a mid-term review of the capital programme.
