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School Enrolments Data

Dáil Éireann Debate, Thursday - 23 March 2017

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Questions (89)

Brendan Ryan


89. Deputy Brendan Ryan asked the Minister for Education and Skills his plans to provide a solution for the year-on-year problem of over-subscription to a school (details supplied); if he will provide a solution as soon as possible; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [14709/17]

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I wish to advise the Deputy that my Department is monitoring the pupil enrolment position in the area in question, together with all areas nationally, to take account of updated demographic data. In that regard, my Department is aware of the demand for junior infant places in the area referred to and is liaising directly with the relevant schools.

There are a total of 13 primary schools in the school planning area in question with 11 schools enrolling junior infants – this includes two Junior Primary Schools (catering for Junior Infants to 2nd class) and two Senior Primary Schools (catering for third to sixth class). 

The Department was contacted by one school in the Swords area to advise that they have a waiting list of over 100 children for September 2017. The indications are that pupils on the waiting list are also on the waiting lists for other schools and may already have been offered a school place. The Department has been in direct contact with a number of primary schools in the area concerned in respect of their junior infant capacity. In that regard it is understood that at least two primary schools are under subscribed and have expressed a willingness to enroll further junior infants in September 2017, if necessary. 

The school enrolment position for September 2017 will be clarified when the schools concerned have completed their enrolment process in the coming weeks. In that context the Department understands that further offers of places will be made by schools with junior infant places remaining available for September 2017.

While the situation may result in some pupils not obtaining a place in the school of their first choice, the Department’s main responsibility is to ensure that the existing schools in the area can, between them, cater for the demand for Junior Infant places in September 2017. It is important that school size is monitored and that a balance is preserved among all schools in school planning areas to ensure that one school is not expanding at the expense of another school.  In the meantime, my Department is monitoring the enrolment position in the area closely.  
