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Army Barracks

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 17 May 2017

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Questions (61)

Robert Troy


61. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence his plans for Columb barracks, Mullingar. [23325/17]

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Following the closure of Columb Barracks in 2012, my Department has explored a number of avenues to try and secure the long term future of the former barracks for the benefit of the local community. Government Departments and other Public Bodies, including Westmeath County Council, have been invited to declare any interest in acquiring the property. Westmeath County Council has recently confirmed that they have no interest in acquiring the property.

In 2016 Officials from my Department met with the CEO and officials of Longford and Westmeath Educational and Training Board regarding possible use of Mullingar Barracks. The meeting included a visit to the Barracks. To date, I have received no proposals from the Board regarding their future use of the barracks. There has also been no approach from the Department of Education and Skills in relation to this matter.

In May 2016 officials from my Department attended a public meeting in Mullingar on the future use of the barracks. A local group was subsequently established in order to prepare a feasibility study on community use of the barracks. However to date no report from that group has been furnished to my Department.

As the Barracks is no longer required for military purposes the current financial and administrative burden resulting from the retention of the Barracks cannot be sustained.

On the 27 of April Mr Simon Coveney T.D., Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government, launched the online Rebuilding Ireland Housing Land Map as a key part of the Rebuilding Ireland initiative. Columb Barracks has been included as one of the publicly owned sites which has potential for housing development.  The Department will be exploring all avenues including public auction regarding the disposal of the Barracks in the coming months. In that context my officials will be contacting all existing occupants of the Barracks to discuss future arrangements.

Question No. 62 answered with Question No. 51.
Question No. 63 answered with Question No. 36.
Question No. 64 answered with Question No. 49.