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Cycling Policy

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 4 July 2017

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Questions (521)

Thomas P. Broughan


521. Deputy Thomas P. Broughan asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to outline the traffic management measures he is taking to reduce and eliminate death and injury to cyclists in view of the unacceptable and tragic rise in such casualties in 2017; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [30815/17]

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The creation of a safer cycling environment is a priority for me and I share the Deputy's concerns regarding the figures this year.

Under the Sustainable Transport Measures Grants Programme, my Department provides funding to the National Transport Authority (NTA) for the seven local authorities in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA) for the implementation of sustainable transport projects which includes safety, integration and traffic management projects as well as cycling and walking infrastructure throughout the region. A significant amount of on-road cycling facilities are also provided as part of the work on developing the bus network in the GDA.

The NTA also manages a similar sustainable transport grants programme under the Regional Cities Programme in Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford.

I am acutely aware of the need for more and better cycling infrastructure and I am seeking additional funding for cycling initiatives under the mid-term review of the Capital Plan.

However, infrastructure is only part of the solution. How all road users behave is also important. I understand from the Road Safety Authority (RSA) that the deaths of people cycling in recent years have been spread across urban and rural locations and on every type of road (National, Regional, Local). While we all are free to use the road safely, we also all have the responsibility to ensure that our driving or cycling does not impact on that. It is up to all road users to be attentive and the RSA have highlighted the dangers of distracted driving and the importance of passing cyclists at a reasonable distance.

I intend, with the RSA, to further highlight the need for all road users to take account of the vulnerability of cyclists in the coming weeks, as I am conscious that the numbers of people cycling generally peaks at this time of the year.
