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National Dementia Strategy Implementation

Dáil Éireann Debate, Wednesday - 5 July 2017

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Questions (204)

Catherine Murphy


204. Deputy Catherine Murphy asked the Minister for Health the community supports for persons with dementia here; his plans to expand the support levels for persons with dementia; his further plans to meet dementia advocacy groups to discuss increases in funding in the context of budget 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [31735/17]

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The Irish National Dementia Strategy was launched in December 2014, with the objective of increasing awareness, ensuring early diagnosis and intervention and developing enhanced community-based services.

In parallel with the Strategy, the Department of Health and the HSE have agreed a joint initiative with the Atlantic Philanthropies to implement significant elements of the Strategy over the period 2014-2017. This Implementation Programme represents a combined investment of €27.5m, with the Atlantic Philanthropies contributing €12m and the HSE €15.5m.

Key elements of the initiative include:

- the roll-out of a programme of Intensive Home Supports and Home Care Packages for people with dementia valued at €22.1 million over a three year period;

- the provision of additional dementia-specific resources for GPs, to include training materials and guidance on local services and contact points valued at €1.2 million;

- measures to raise public awareness, address stigma and promote the inclusion and involvement in society of those with dementia valued at €2.7 million.

The roll out of Intensive Home Care packages commenced in January 2015 and monitoring of the allocation and uptake of these packages to persons with dementia is ongoing. By May 2017, the HSE had delivered a total of 217 dementia-specific intensive homecare packages at an average cost of €953 per week. There are currently 122 people with dementia in receipt of an Intensive Home Care Package with a further 16 approved and 12 applications in progress. In addition to the Intensive Home Care Packages, the HSE has continued to provide mainstream home help and routine Home Care packages to people with dementia whose needs have been assessed as requiring these supports and within available resources. Up to 500 people with dementia and their families are expected to benefit from Intensive Home Care Packages over the lifetime of the implementation programme.

It is Government policy that, wherever possible and appropriate, people should be cared for in their own homes and communities, and the National Dementia Strategy specifically restates this commitment to those living with dementia.

The Department and the HSE are working on a mid-term review of the implementation of the National Dementia Strategy which will be published in the Autumn and will identify the achievements so far and set out the further work that is required to implement the Strategy over the next 12 months and beyond. The resources required for the ongoing implementation of the Strategy can only be considered in the context of the Estimates and Budget process. The mid-term review will assist in identifying further actions required and will be helpful in the context of budgetary considerations.
