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Tuesday, 12 Dec 2017

Written Answers Nos. 127-147

Tracker Mortgage Examination

Questions (127)

Michael Healy-Rae


127. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Finance his views on a matter (details supplied) regarding tracker mortgages; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52999/17]

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Written answers

As the Deputy is aware, the Central Bank’s most recent Tracker Mortgage Examination status update report was issued on 17 October last and it indicated that, as at the end of September, approximately 13,000 mortgage accounts have been identified as impacted through the examination.  This is additional to the 7,100 mortgage accounts which were rectified and remedied prior to the commencement of the industry wide examination.  In addition, since the October update report, one lender has accepted that it has a further 6,000 impacted accounts.  Lenders have also commenced the payment of redress and compensation to impacted customers and following my meetings with the main mortgage lenders at the end of October, the various banks made specific commitments on the roll out of these payments.  

The Central Bank will now publish a further update report on the tracker examination next week and I look forward to receiving this.  In particular, it will be important to find out more conclusively the number of people who have been affected by the tracker scandal and the progress banks have now made to deal with their impacted customers.  I will closely look at the updated Central Bank report when it is to hand and I will then consider what further steps should be taken at that point.  However, it remains the priority of the Government and the Central Bank to complete the tracker examination as quickly as possible and to ensure that all impacted accounts are identified and that appropriate redress and compensation is paid to the affected borrowers.

State Claims Agency

Questions (128)

Aengus Ó Snodaigh


128. Deputy Aengus Ó Snodaigh asked the Minister for Finance further to Parliamentary Question No. 129 of 14 November 2017, if his attention has been drawn to the fact that the State Claims Agency commissioned a retrospective report covering 1980 to 2007 to be carried out by the Air Corps' formation safety office on much of Casement Aerodrome, Baldonnell, which was issued on 6 February 2014; if the State Claims Agency carried out actions on receipt of the report such as issuing findings to the Minister for Defence, the Health and Safety Authority, the chief of staff of the Defence Forces or Casement Aerodrome authorities; and if it withheld it for future use or not as it saw fit in legal proceedings being pursued against the State. [53000/17]

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Written answers

The SCA have informed me that in answering question 129 of 14  November 2017 it interpreted the request to relate to its audit programme carried out by its Risk Unit. They have also informed me that in August 2013 on receiving a claim in which it was alleged that personal injuries were caused by exposure to toxic substances in Baldonnel, the SCA emailed Litigation Branch and Claims Administration asking that a Liaison Officer (L.O.) be appointed to assist the SCA's investigations.  The SCA also requested that the appointed LO prepare a detailed claims report setting out the background and circumstances of the claim.  The SCA, although not privy to the decision, understands that the Formation Safety Officer was tasked with this request.  The SCA subsequently received a report, in April 2014, titled “Chemical Exposure Report (1994-2005) <Plaintiff Name> Case” which was the only report furnished by the Defence Forces and related specifically to the period 1994-2005.  As the report was requested by and provided to the SCA in the context of a claim, it is legally and professionally privileged, referring as it does to all the circumstances of the plaintiff’s claim. This  report was prepared entirely for the conduct of the legal proceedings and its use was confined accordingly.

Tax Code

Questions (129)

Michael McGrath


129. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Finance the person or body that is the liable party in respect of income tax relating to income being paid to a receiver in the form of rental income on residential and-or commercial property; if the liable person differs depending on whether the borrower has consented to the appointment of the receiver or the receiver has been formally appointed in line with the statutory provisions; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53088/17]

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Written answers

I am advised by Revenue that section 1049 of the Taxes Consolidation Act (TCA) 1997 sets out that a receiver appointed by a Court in the State which has the direction and control of property is assessed for and charged income tax or corporation tax, as appropriate, on the property as if the property were not under the direction and control of the Court. Such a receiver is answerable for doing all matters required under the Tax Acts for the assessment and payment of income tax or corporation tax, as appropriate.

In cases where the receiver has not been appointed by the Court, section 96(3) of the TCA 1997 provides that tax on net rental income from property in receivership, or from property where the mortgagee has taken possession, is chargeable on the mortgagee. This means that, in these circumstances, the mortgagee, and not the receiver, has to make a return in respect of, and pay the tax liability on, such income.

Property Tax Application

Questions (130)

Michael McGrath


130. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Finance the person or body that is the liable party in respect of the local property tax in circumstances in which a receiver has been appointed to a property; if the liable person differs depending on whether the borrower has consented to the appointment of the receiver or the receiver has been formally appointed in line with the statutory provisions; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53089/17]

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Written answers

I am advised by Revenue that under the Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), the person who is the liable person on the liability date for a particular year is the person who is responsible for the payment of Local Property Tax (LPT) for that year. Thus, for example, the person who is the liable person on 1 November 2017 is responsible for the payment of LPT for the year 2018.

In general, the owner of a residential property is the liable person and continues to be so notwithstanding the appointment of a receiver. However, where a financial institution enforces its security over a property by taking possession of the property, the financial institution, as a ‘mortgagee in possession’, displaces the owner of the property as the liable person.

While a receiver is not a liable person under the Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), it can happen that he or she may assume responsibility for payment of LPT in accordance with the terms of the deed or mortgage between the property owner and the financial institution or the terms under which the receiver is appointed. It is, therefore, not possible to give a definitive answer on this point.

Tax Code

Questions (131)

Maureen O'Sullivan


131. Deputy Maureen O'Sullivan asked the Minister for Finance his plans to make amendments to inheritance tax rules to allow single persons with no children to nominate a beneficiary that would receive the same favourable tax incentives as immediate family members under present rules; his views on whether the inheritance tax rules are discriminating against childless persons that are not married, cohabiting, LGBTs in same-sex unions and have no blood relatives; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53105/17]

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Written answers

For the purposes of Capital Acquisitions Tax (CAT), the relationship between the person who provides the gift or inheritance (i.e. the disponer) and the person who receives the gift or inheritance (i.e. the beneficiary), determines the life-time tax-free threshold – known as the “Group threshold” – below which gift or inheritance tax does not arise. Where a person receives gifts or inheritances in excess of their relevant tax free threshold (when aggregated since 5 December 1991) CAT at a rate of 33% applies on the excess over the tax free threshold.

There are, in all, three separate Group thresholds based on the relationship of the beneficiary to the disponer.

Group A: tax free threshold €310,000 – applies where the beneficiary is a child (including adopted child, stepchild and certain foster children) or minor child of a deceased child of the disponer. Parents also fall within this threshold where they take an inheritance of an absolute interest from a child.

Group B: tax free threshold €32,500 – applies where the beneficiary is a brother, sister, a nephew, a niece or lineal ancestor or lineal descendant of the disponer.

Group C: tax free threshold €16,250 – applies in all other cases.

Where two people, irrespective of their relationship share a home owned by one of them, and where the homeowner dies leaving that home to the other person, they can in certain circumstances be exempt from the payment of inheritance tax in respect of the inheritance of that dwelling house. The main conditions attaching to this exemption are that the person who inherits the dwelling house must have lived there for a minimum of three years prior to the inheritance and must not have had an interest in any other dwelling-house. The dwelling house passing by inheritance must also be the sole or main residence of the disponer. In addition, with the exception of persons who are aged 65 years or over at the date of the inheritance, he or she must continue to live in that dwelling-house, as his or her only or main residence, for a period of six years commencing on the date of the inheritance. This exemption ensures that what may be the family home for many people will not be liable to inheritance tax when it is the subject of an inheritance.

Where a couple is cohabiting, rather than married or in a civil partnership, each partner is treated for the purposes of tax as a separate and unconnected individual. Cohabitants do not have the same legal rights and obligations as a married couple or couple in a civil partnership which is why they are not accorded similar treatment to couples who have a civil status that is recognised in law. From a practical perspective a CAT regime for cohabitants which would be the same as for married persons or civil partners would be difficult to administer and is likely to be intrusive. It would be time consuming to confirm declarations by individuals that they were cohabitating or when cohabitation started and ceased.

As regards the treatment of individuals with no children, gifts or inheritances from them are subject to either category B or C thresholds irrespective of their individual status. There would be a significant Exchequer cost with the extension of the Category A threshold to individuals with no children and it would be likely to give rise to tax planning opportunities.

Finally, I would say that the current CAT structure is a long standing feature of the tax system which has been agreed by the Oireachtas. The system promotes horizontal equity in that all individuals with similar circumstances are treated in a similar manner. I therefore have no plans to amend the rules applying to CAT in the manner sought by the Deputy.

Excise Duties Collection

Questions (132)

Michael McGrath


132. Deputy Michael McGrath asked the Minister for Finance the profile of goods seized by the Revenue Commissioner at each port for non-compliance with excise obligations; the quantity, nature and estimated market value of the goods concerned; the number and value of goods successfully claimed by the owner; the fate of goods not claimed by the owner in each of the years 2012 to 2016 and to date in 2017; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53139/17]

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Written answers

I am advised by the Revenue Commissioners that details of the goods seized for the years 2012 to 2017 (to the end of November), for non-compliance with excise obligations at Irish ports, are set out in the tables. I am also advised that it is not possible to extract the data by reference to individual ports in the time available, however Revenue have stated that they will write directly to the Deputy providing such a breakdown when it is available.

Goods are seized where an officer determines, following investigation, that they are liable to forfeiture under the Finance Acts. All excisable goods seized are either sold or destroyed. In limited circumstances vehicles may be appropriated to the State.

I am advised by Revenue that where a “notice of claim” is received, seeking the return of goods following seizure, the Revenue Commissioners initiate litigation proceedings for condemnation of the goods and forfeiture to the State. For the period in question there are seven instances where proceedings were taken and the goods were not returned.

Seizures of excise goods nationally by quantity and retail price at ports only.






Vehicle Conveyances

Quantity (million)

Retail Price (€million)


Retail Price (€million)


Retail Price (€million)


Retail Price (€million)


Retail Price (€million)






































































Total seizures of excise goods nationally by quantity and retail price.






Vehicle Conveyances

Quantity (million)

Retail Price (€million)



Retail Price (€million)



Retail Price (€million)



Retail Price (€million)


Retail Price (€million)



































































Flood Relief Schemes Funding

Questions (133)

John McGuinness


133. Deputy John McGuinness asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the timeframe for the funding and commencement of the flood relief scheme for Graiguenamanagh, County Kilkenny; the reason for the delay in starting the project; if the fallen trees, debris, overgrowth and rubbish will be removed from the outlets of the bridge in Graiguenamanagh to avoid further local flooding (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52636/17]

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Written answers

I assume the Deputy is referring to a potential scheme of Individual Property Protection (IPP) measures which is the subject of a Feasibility Study undertaken on behalf of Kilkenny County Council (KCC).

The Feasibility Study Report, which was undertaken on a pilot basis, has been completed and submitted to the Office of Public Works (OPW) by KCC for consideration. The Report is currently being examined within OPW. The Report and its conclusions are being considered in the context of the proposals for a major scheme of permanent structural flood defence measures included in the Flood Risk Management Plan for Graiguenamanagh under the CFRAM Programme. OPW expects to conclude its assessment of the Feasibility Report shortly and discussions between OPW and KCC will be required to consider the most appropriate, sustainable and economically viable flood relief measures for Graiguenamanagh.

In relation to the CFRAM Programme, I would hope by the end of this year to seek approval from the Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform for the 29 Flood Risk Management Plans developed under the CFRAM process. Thereafter I would hope to announce the proposed structural measures contained within those Plans that will, over the coming years, be taken to detailed design and construction to protect those communities at risk.

Further, local consultation in Graiguenamanagh will need to be undertaken regarding the eventual preferred flood relief measures to be undertaken and so it is not possible to provide a timeframe on the matter at the moment.

In relation to fallen trees, debris, overgrowth and rubbish at the outlets of the bridge, the OPW does not have a maintenance role at this location. This matter is best referred to the local authority for attention.

Flood Relief Schemes Funding

Questions (134, 135)

Brendan Smith


134. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the funding that will be provided to Cavan County Council in 2018 for flood relief and drainage works; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52650/17]

View answer

Brendan Smith


135. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the flood relief and drainage works that the Office of Public Works will carry out in County Cavan in 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52651/17]

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Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 134 and 135 together.

The Office of Public Works (OPW) carries out a national programme, on an average five-yearly cycle, of Arterial Drainage Maintenance to a total of 11,500km of river channel and approximately 730km of embankments nationally. These maintenance works relate to arterial drainage schemes completed by the OPW under the Arterial Drainage Acts 1945.

The Boyne, Inny and Glyde and Dee Arterial Drainage Maintenance Schemes are in operation in County Cavan. As part of these maintenance programmes, fifty kilometres of river channel maintenance is scheduled to take place in County Cavan in 2018.

Local authorities are responsible for the ongoing maintenance of certain watercourses within Drainage Districts in the county. I am engaging with the Minister of Housing, Planning and Local Government to look at ensuring that sufficient funding is available for Local Authorities to fulfil these obligations.

For areas not covered by the Arterial Drainage Maintenance Programme, the OPW operates a Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme. It is open to all Local Authorities to submit a funding application under the Scheme. This administrative Scheme’s eligibility criteria, including a requirement that any measures are cost beneficial, are published on the OPW website, Any application received will be considered in accordance with the scheme eligibility criteria and having regard to the overall availability of resources for flood risk management.

Flood Relief Schemes Funding

Questions (136, 137)

Brendan Smith


136. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the funding that will be provided to Monaghan County Council in 2018 for flood relief and drainage works; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52652/17]

View answer

Brendan Smith


137. Deputy Brendan Smith asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the flood relief and drainage works that the Office of Public Works will carry out in County Monaghan in 2018; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52653/17]

View answer

Written answers

I propose to take Questions Nos. 136 and 137 together.

The Office of Public Works (OPW) carries out a national programme, on an average five-yearly cycle, of Arterial Drainage Maintenance to a total of 11,500km of river channel and approximately 730km of embankments nationally. These maintenance works relate to arterial drainage schemes completed by the OPW under the Arterial Drainage Acts 1945.

The Monaghan Blackwater and Glyde and Dee Arterial Drainage Maintenance Schemes are part of this annual maintenance programme in County Monaghan. As part of these maintenance programmes, ninety-six kilometres of river channel maintenance is scheduled to take place in County Monaghan in 2018.

Local authorities are responsible for the ongoing maintenance of certain watercourses within Drainage Districts in the county. I am engaging with the Minister of Housing, Planning and Local Government to look at ensuring that sufficient funding is available for Local Authorities to fulfil these obligations.

For areas not covered by the Arterial Drainage Maintenance Programme, the OPW operates a Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme. It is open to all Local Authorities to submit a funding application under the Scheme. This administrative Scheme’s eligibility criteria, including a requirement that any measures are cost beneficial, are published on the OPW website, Any application received will be considered in accordance with the scheme eligibility criteria and having regard to the overall availability of resources for flood risk management.

Flood Risk Management

Questions (138)

Michael Healy-Rae


138. Deputy Michael Healy-Rae asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform if a river at a location (details supplied) will be cleaned out; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52806/17]

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Written answers

The river referred to by the Deputy does not form part of any Arterial Drainage Scheme, which would fall under the remit of the Office of Public Works (OPW) under the 1945 Arterial Drainage Act. The OPW therefore has no responsibility for the maintenance of this river. Also, OPW does not have responsibility for maintaining road infrastructure. This responsibility primarily rests with Local Authorities.

Local flooding issues are a matter, in the first instance, for each Local Authority to investigate and address, and Kerry County Council may carry out flood mitigation works using its own resources. The Council may also apply to the Office of Public Works for funding of flood mitigation works under this Office's Minor Flood Mitigation Works and Coastal Protection Scheme. The purpose of this scheme is to provide funding to Local Authorities to undertake minor flood mitigation works or studies to address localised flooding and coastal protection problems within their administrative areas. Details of this scheme are on the OPW website,

Oireachtas Members' Remuneration

Questions (139)

Pearse Doherty


139. Deputy Pearse Doherty asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the rate of salary that would apply to Deputies, Senators, Ministers, Junior Ministers and An Taoiseach if in each case the Civil Service grade their salary is linked to was reduced by a grade, in tabular form; the estimated savings from such a move; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52914/17]

View answer

Written answers

The linking of the salary of a TD currently remunerated at €89,965 pa on the current Civil Service Principal Officer (Standard Scale) to the grade of Assistant Principal Officer (Standard Scale) at a current salary rate of  €70,281 pa would amount to an estimated annual saving of €3.11 million.

The estimated annual saving based on a Senator's current salary of €65,311 pa  reduced to 70% of the revised TD's salary rate above would accordingly amount to €967k.

The Officeholder salary which is paid to the Taoiseach, Ministers and Ministers of State in addition to their TD salary is not linked to a Civil Service grade.

Question No. 140 withdrawn.

Flood Relief Schemes

Questions (141)

Robert Troy


141. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the works completed to date on addressing the flooding of the River Shannon; the schedule of works that are planned; and the timeframe for completion of same. [53211/17]

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Written answers

In January 2016, the Shannon Flood Risk State Agency Co-ordination Working Group was established by Government to enhance on-going co-operation across all of the State agencies involved with the River Shannon, including ESB, Waterways Ireland, Bord na Móna, Inland Fisheries Ireland, the National Parks and Wildlife Service, OPW and the relevant local authorities, including to trial the lowering of the levels on Lough Allen by 0.7 metres, which is the lowest level achievable without causing significant risk to existing waterway infrastructure and possible environmental issues. This protocol is being operated again this Winter.

Earlier this year targeted maintenance works were carried out at Madden’s Island, downstream of Banagher, where many trees, which had been impeding conveyance capacity and navigation of the Shannon, were removed. Further works are to be carried out at Madden’s Island in early 2018 when the next environmental window for works will allow.

As I recently announced the OPW and Waterways Ireland are actively examining the potential for lowering the navigational channel at 18 pinch points between Meelick and Athlone. This programme of work will take up to 5 years to complete with an estimated cost of 6 million euros.

Major and minor flood defence works projects funded by the OPW in the Shannon catchment are ongoing, as follows:

Major Schemes

- Ennis South - Expected to commence construction in early 2018.

- Foynes Tidal defences - Construction completed.

- King's Island (1st phase of Limerick City Main Scheme) - submission to An Bord Pleanála on overall scheme early 2018.

- King's Island (Verdant Place advance contract) - Construction complete.

- Athlone - Works have now commenced.

Minor Works

- Mountcampbell, Jamestown/Drumsna: Removal of trees and debris completed.

- Portavulla Estate, Banagher: Building of embankments completed.

Flooding Data

Questions (142)

Robert Troy


142. Deputy Robert Troy asked the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the number of farmers that have signed up to the resettlement programme; if the number is on target; the measures being introduced for farmers that cannot consider the resettlement option; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [53238/17]

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Written answers

On April 11th 2017, the Government agreed the administrative arrangements for a Voluntary Homeowners Relocation Scheme for those primary residential properties that flooded during December 4th 2015 to January 13th 2016. This is a national scheme of humanitarian assistance, targeting aid at those worst affected properties, for which there are no alternative feasible measures.

The Government decision confirmed that a homeowner had to meet a number of conditions to be eligible for assistance under this scheme, including:

- That floodwater entered and damaged the building during the relevant dates such as to render it uninhabitable.

- That the property was the homeowner's primary residence at the time of the floods.

- That the affected property must have a significant probability of the recurrence of the flood depth, duration or frequency on a scale that could cause further serious and similar damage to the home.

- That the property is not due to or may not benefit from a planned or possible future major, minor or individual flood defence scheme.

- That the property may not be protected adequately from being flooded in the future at an economically feasible cost through other flood mitigation works including minor works, individual property protection or other possible measures that can be considered at this time.

- That the homeowner is unable to obtain flood risk insurance.

The OPW are working with each of the Local Authorities, using their extensive and detailed local knowledge, to identify the homes that flooded during the event, and of those identified which properties may not benefit from a known or possible engineering solution. These homeowners will be invited to meet with the OPW to discuss the details of the scheme and may be invited to formally apply for the scheme.

In addition to the identification process underway with the Local Authorities, homeowners also had the opportunity to express an interest directly with the OPW, before July 28th 2017, to be considered under the Scheme. Some 67 expressions of interest were received from homeowners in 19 different Local Authority areas.

The OPW has begun to make contact with those homeowners identified above and individual meetings will commence this week. It is not known how many of the people identified are farmers but the OPW is taking note to share details with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine of applicants whose home is part of an active farmyard.

In applying the scheme, where an engineering solution is identified that would protect the home from a flood of similar intensity, at more economically advantageous cost than relocation, the OPW will provide funding to Local Authorities to complete these identified works.

With regard to a potential Voluntary Farm Building Relocation Scheme, the study to determine the feasibility of any future once-off targeted scheme for Voluntary Farm Building Relocation has been commenced. The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is using its own records of applicants who sought aid under the emergency relief package that operated in response to the flooding during the Winter of 2015/2016 to identify potential candidates for any Voluntary Farm Building Relocation scheme. In addition, that Department will use details supplied by the OPW, from applicants to the Voluntary Homeowners Relocation Scheme, to identify further potential applicants. That Department will then contact and work with these individual farmers to determine if there are any alternative remedial works to protect those farmyard buildings at risk and develop recommendations in relation to the feasibility of a scheme.

Residential Institutions Redress Scheme Eligibility

Questions (143)

Peter Burke


143. Deputy Peter Burke asked the Minister for Education and Skills if a person (details supplied) is eligible for support from a State agency in view of the fact that they have not been able to secure payment or compensation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52678/17]

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Written answers

Caranua, the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Board, is an independent statutory body established pursuant to the Residential Institutions Statutory Fund Act 2012 to oversee the use of the cash contributions of up to €110 million, pledged by the religious congregations, to support the needs of survivors of institutional child abuse. Eligibility for assistance from the Fund is confined to those former residents who received awards from the Residential Institutions Redress Board or similar awards or settlements in court proceedings and who would otherwise have received an award from the Redress Board.

If the individual concerned isn't eligible to avail of services from Caranua, then he/she can't now retrospectively apply to be included in the redress scheme. While there was a redress scheme in place for people who had suffered abuse in a number of scheduled institutions, it is no longer open to new applicants. The Residential Institutions Redress Amendment Act, 2011 removed the Board's power to accept late applications received on or after the 17th September 2011.

Scéimeanna Tacaíochta Gaeilge

Questions (144)

Peadar Tóibín


144. D'fhiafraigh Deputy Peadar Tóibín den Aire Oideachais agus Scileanna an bhfuil sé beartaithe ag a Roinn beartas cuimsitheach Stáit ar an nGaeloideachas a fhorbairt; agus má tá, cathain a fhoilseofar é; agus an ndéanfaidh sé ráiteas ina thaobh. [52594/17]

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Written answers

Tá mo Roinn, trí thionscnaimh éagsúla, ag cur na Gaeilge chun cinn sa chóras oideachais agus ag tacú leis an gcóras Gaeloideachais. Tá an Roinn ag rannchuidiú le roinnt gníomhaíochtaí sa Straitéis 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge rud a léiríonn tiomantas na Roinne sa réimse seo. Tugadh isteach curaclam nua don Ghaeilge ar leibhéal na bunscoile agus na hiar-bhunscoile. Leagtar béim sa dá cheann acu seo ar an gcur chuige cumarsáideach maidir le cur chun cinn cumas agus inniúlachtaí na ndaltaí sa teanga thar réimse leathan ábaltachtaí ó fhoghlaimeoirí Gaeilge go cainteoirí dúchais. Anuas air sin, faoin bPolasaí ar Oideachas Gaeltachta 2017-2022 tá pacáiste saincheaptha tacaí curtha i dtoll a chéile ag mo Roinn chun tacaíocht a thabhairt do scoileanna Gaeltachta, lena n-áirítear bearta chun soláthar múinteoirí i scoileanna lán-Ghaeilge a fheabhsú.

Níl aon phlean ann chun beartas ar leithligh a leagan amach don ghaeloideachas. Tá mé cinnte, mar sin féin, go léiríonn na forbairtí a luadh thuas tiomantas leanúnach mo Roinne d’fhonn an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn ar fud an chórais oideachais agus i dtreo tacaíocht a thabhairt don Ghaeloideachas.

Beidh tionchar dearfach ag cur chun cinn na ngníomhaíochtaí atá sa Bheartas ar Oideachas Gaeltachta 2017-2022 maidir leis an soláthar ginearálta don Ghaeloideachas. Tá mo Roinn tar éis a bheith ag obair go dlúth leis an Oifig um Sholáthar Rialtais d’fhonn iarratas ar thairiscintí a fhorbairt ar dhearadh, forbairt agus seachadadh céim nua san oideachas trí mheán na Gaeilge, Baitsiléir in Oideachas (B.Ed.) don bhunmhúinteoireacht agus céim mháistreachta san Oideachas Gaeilge agus Gaeltachta (M.Ed.) d’fhonn scileanna nua a theagasc do mhúinteoirí agus príomhoidí atá ann cheana. Tá an t-iarratas ar thairiscintí le foilsiú go luath agus táthar ag súil le go dtosóidh an M.Ed. i mí Mheán Fómhair 2018, agus tá an B.Ed. le tosú ó mhí Mheán Fómhair 2019 i leith. Táthar ag súil le go bhfeabhsóidh céimithe ar na cúrsaí seo soláthar múinteoirí bunscoile agus iar-bhunscoile atá in ann ardcháilíocht oideachais trí mheán na Gaeilge a sheachadadh. Tá dhá phost breise múinteoireachta arna soláthar don chlár um Máistreacht Ghairmiúil san Oideachas in Ollscoil Náisiúnta na hÉireann, Gaillimh chun méadú a dhéanamh ar líon na múineoirí iar-bhunscoile atá in ann réimse ábhar a mhúineadh trí mheán na Gaeilge.

Schools Building Projects Status

Questions (145)

Aindrias Moynihan


145. Deputy Aindrias Moynihan asked the Minister for Education and Skills the status of the construction of a new school (details supplied) in County Cork. [52605/17]

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Written answers

The major school building project referred to by the Deputy is at an advanced stage of architectural planning, Stage 2b (Detailed Design), which includes the application for Statutory Approvals and the preparation of Tender Documents. All statutory approvals have been secured.

The Board of Management have recently submitted correspondence to the Department raising a number of issues in relation to the project and seeking to meet with Department Officials. Officials from my Department are currently in contact with the Board of Management regarding dates for the proposed meeting.

Departmental Correspondence

Questions (146)

Charlie McConalogue


146. Deputy Charlie McConalogue asked the Minister for Education and Skills when a response will issue to an interim reply (details supplied); and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52620/17]

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Written answers

A reply issued to the correspnodence referred to by the Deputy from my Department on 8 December 2017.

Minor Works Scheme

Questions (147)

Lisa Chambers


147. Deputy Lisa Chambers asked the Minister for Education and Skills when the minor works grants for 2017/2018 will be paid to all national schools; the amount of the payment; the reason for the delay in the provision of the minor works grant in 2017 compared with the provision of the grant in 2016; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [52624/17]

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Written answers

I am pleased to advise that on 5 December, 2017 I announced the Minor Works Grant 2017/2018 for primary schools across the country and payment will issue this week. It was not possible to make the announcement any sooner as my Department's overall end-year capital position was only fully established very recently.  

All primary schools will receive a flat rate Minor Works Grant of €5,500 plus €18.50 per mainstream pupil and €74 per special needs pupil attending a special school or special class. 

The funding will allow minor works to be carried out on the physical infrastructure of schools or on the purchase of items of furniture and equipment.
