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Roads Maintenance

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 16 January 2018

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Questions (1418)

Imelda Munster


1418. Deputy Imelda Munster asked the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport the amount spent on regional and local roads in County Mayo in each of the years 2011 to 2017. [1104/18]

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Written answers

Details of the regional and local road grant payments to local authorities are outlined in the regional and local road grant payment booklets which are available in the Dáil Library. 

The tables included in the payment booklets outline expenditure by type of grant programme. For the Deputy's information an explanation of the purpose of the main Regional and Local Road Grant Programmes is set out below:

Restoration Maintenance (RM): The purpose of the RM grant is to protect the structural integrity of the road by way of surface dressing through the sealing of the road surface. The purpose of restoration maintenance is to maintain the asset before it requires improvement.  

Restoration Improvement Grant (RI): The RI grant programme is the main road strengthening programme and caters for surface restoration, pavement overlay works, complete road rehabilitation works and for drainage works where required.

Discretionary Grant (DG): Councils have discretion in spending these grants for improvement and maintenance works subject to selecting from a list of eligible works. However Councils are requested to prioritise projects which involve strengthening works, remedying road defects, winter maintenance and drainage works.             

Bridge Rehabilitation (BR): This programme allows local authorities to apply for monies to undertake bridge rehabilitation works. Safety Improvement Works (BS): This programme allows local authorities to apply for monies to undertake safety improvement works.

Training Grant (TG): The Training Grant assists in the provision of training of persons engaged in maintenance and improvement of regional and local roads. 

Specific Grant and Strategic Grants : The Department no longer seeks annual applications from local authorities in respect of the Specific (road improvement schemes costing up to €5m.) and Strategic (improvement schemes costing over €5m.) grant programmes. Instead it considers projects on a case by case basis with a particular focus on:

- Major bridge rehabilitation works which are outside the scope of the normal bridge rehabilitation programme

- Critical safety improvement works which are outside the scope of the normal safety improvement programme

- Projects which would have a significant and quantifiable economic impact, particularly as regards employment and on industrial, tourism, agricultural, rural development and urban regeneration.
